Yo dudes and dudeetts, I know i haven't written in a while but its something many people have a problem with...
If you have this problem, then try to eat these foods that make you lose belly fat and weight.
Foods to eat
1) Berries
They're packed with antioxidants, vitamins and natural sugar for some people who need a sugary treat. This berries are sweet with natural sugar and dosen't make you gain any p
ounds. Yet you get a mean amount of vitamins andantioxdiants that are essential for your body.
It contains dietary fibre and it prevents insulin spikes in your body to store fat.
Remember!! Buy the organic ones. Don't buy the ones that have added sugar or syrup. Avoid tinned berries too!
It contains protein fiber and fat. I know what many of you are thinking, WHAT!! How do we lose fart if we eat fat! Alright here's the thing just because you want to lose weight you have to eat. Eating 'good' fats dosen't make you fat it just keeps you full so you won't crave for more food and feed yourself till you grow more fat. Nuts have a high content of fat but that type of fat is essential to lose fat. It promotes fat burnin hormones too!!
Remember!! Buy raw and organic nuts. Never buy the dry, roasted orsalted kind. We're looking for unprocessed nuts.
3) Oatmeal
Its high in fibre and slows insulin. Slowing insulin helps to slow down the fat gaining. It helps to reduce blood cholestrol levels and helps to flush out bad fats.
Remmeber!! Buy rolled oats and steel rolled oats. Don't buy the instant ones, flavoured and sweetened ones.
4) Whole eggs
You know what i don't think I need to explain as many of you know that eggs are a great source of fatty acids. It burns fat!
Remember!! Buy the organic eggs and eggs from free range hens. Avoid those grain fed and battery farmed eggs.
Gotta go and have a nice time tryin them out! Comment if you like it!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
More Weight loss tips!!!
Weight loss doesn’t have to be a slow process that takes months on end of bland foods and long, boring workouts. You can safely lose a significant amount of weight in less than a month. This article shows you how. Following the tips in this article will help you lose 10 (or more) pounds in just 21 days. I’m not going to recommend a “miracle” nutritional supplement, expensive workout equipment, or hokey gimmick either. Just 3 things that work, quickly.
The weight loss tips in this article are supported by scientific research and don’t require you to buy anything, starve yourself, or do anything that’s dangerous or downright silly. All you have to do is make a few changes to the way you exercise and eat.
Also referred to as circuit training, this style of workout burns twice as many calories. Studies also show that doing some type of resistance training (calisthenics, kettlebells, weights, etc.) is also superior to cardio for burning off fat, especially abdominal fat which hurts your health and hides your 6 pack.
When you workout this way your body will continue to burn calories from your stored body fat for up to 36 hours post-workout. This means you’ll continue to lose weight after your workout is done. These workouts will help you build muscle too which will have you looking better when the weight you want to lose is off.
Circuit style workouts are easy to perform. You can do them barbells, dumbbells, and machines at your gym. One of the best way is to do bodyweight workouts. This is because they can be done anywhere, are really effective, and don’t require any equipment.
When you train this way the key is to choose exercises that train several muscle groups (squats, push ups, pull ups, shoulder presses, etc.). This will make the workout more challenging and burn more calories. Select 4-5 exercises so ensure all of your major muscle groups are being trained. This can include: squats (legs), push ups (chest/shoulders/arms), pull ups (back/biceps), and military press (shoulders).
You’ll perform each exercise one after the other with no rest between sets. Only rest after you’ve performed the last exercise of the circuit. Rest as little as possible between circuits. Do 8-10 reps per set and repeat 3-5 times every workout.
Below is a sample bodyweight exercise circuit training workout for fat loss.
When I write cut the carbs I don’t mean that you have to avoid them entirely. You simply need to limit certain types. Once you lose the weight you can even eat them albeit in limited quantities.
The foods you need to really limit for the next 21 days include processed carbohydrates (bread, cookies, pasta, rice) and simple sugars (candy, fruit juice, and soda). You can pretty much each all of the vegetables you like. Fruits in small amounts are okay too. All in all, your daily carbohydrate quota should not exceed 75 grams. Don’t worry about counting carbohydrates excessively or reading the label for every food you eat. Instead follow this simple tip, if it’s white or comes in a bag or box don’t eat it and you’re most likely eating the right amount. If you do want to count carbohydrates, use one of the many websites or apps that does the counting for you. I recommend reading this Lifehack article for more great tips to eliminate grains from your diet.
In addition to limiting certain types of carbohydrates, the next thing you need to make sure of is that you eat plenty of protein and healthy fats. High protein foods you should eat at every meal include eggs, fish, pork, and red meat. You do not have to count grams of protein either. Just make sure the protein you eat is about the size of the palm of your hand at every meal and you’ll be on track to get enough every day. Last but not least, eat plenty of fat at every meal. You’ll stay full longer between meals. Fat also makes your food taste better too. Limit corn and other vegetable oils and instead make sure you get your fat from avocados, coconut, and olive oil. Almonds and macadamia nuts are also good sources of healthy fats.
Instead of drinking diet soda I suggest you drink cold lemon water. Doing so has many benefits. You’ll feel full longer between meals and because of the lemon juice in the water you’re body will digest food slower and can even help keep your energy levels stable. One study shows drinking cold water can help you burn more calories too.
Drinking your water before you eat may also help you eat less at every meal.
The weight loss tips in this article are supported by scientific research and don’t require you to buy anything, starve yourself, or do anything that’s dangerous or downright silly. All you have to do is make a few changes to the way you exercise and eat.
1. Stop Doing Hours of Slow, Boring Cardio
Forget about spending hours every day on the treadmill to burn calories. Doing this doesn’t work. Walking at a moderate (brisk) pace will only burn about 295 calories an hour. Do this every day for a week and you won’t lose a pound. The better way to exercise for weight and fat loss is to do interval style resistance training workouts .Also referred to as circuit training, this style of workout burns twice as many calories. Studies also show that doing some type of resistance training (calisthenics, kettlebells, weights, etc.) is also superior to cardio for burning off fat, especially abdominal fat which hurts your health and hides your 6 pack.
When you workout this way your body will continue to burn calories from your stored body fat for up to 36 hours post-workout. This means you’ll continue to lose weight after your workout is done. These workouts will help you build muscle too which will have you looking better when the weight you want to lose is off.
Circuit style workouts are easy to perform. You can do them barbells, dumbbells, and machines at your gym. One of the best way is to do bodyweight workouts. This is because they can be done anywhere, are really effective, and don’t require any equipment.
When you train this way the key is to choose exercises that train several muscle groups (squats, push ups, pull ups, shoulder presses, etc.). This will make the workout more challenging and burn more calories. Select 4-5 exercises so ensure all of your major muscle groups are being trained. This can include: squats (legs), push ups (chest/shoulders/arms), pull ups (back/biceps), and military press (shoulders).
You’ll perform each exercise one after the other with no rest between sets. Only rest after you’ve performed the last exercise of the circuit. Rest as little as possible between circuits. Do 8-10 reps per set and repeat 3-5 times every workout.
Below is a sample bodyweight exercise circuit training workout for fat loss.
- Squats
- Push Ups
- Burpees
- Pull Ups
- Two Handed Swings
- Standing Shoulder Press
- Squats
- 1 Arm Rows
2. Cut the Carbs
This is probably the most important tip to follow. It alone can help you lose 10 or more pounds in 21 days. Eating a low carbohydrate diet turns on the fat loss switch in your body and by getting it to use your stored body fat as energy. You’ll also lose excess water weight too. Best of all you don’t have to obsess over calories or reading labels.When I write cut the carbs I don’t mean that you have to avoid them entirely. You simply need to limit certain types. Once you lose the weight you can even eat them albeit in limited quantities.
The foods you need to really limit for the next 21 days include processed carbohydrates (bread, cookies, pasta, rice) and simple sugars (candy, fruit juice, and soda). You can pretty much each all of the vegetables you like. Fruits in small amounts are okay too. All in all, your daily carbohydrate quota should not exceed 75 grams. Don’t worry about counting carbohydrates excessively or reading the label for every food you eat. Instead follow this simple tip, if it’s white or comes in a bag or box don’t eat it and you’re most likely eating the right amount. If you do want to count carbohydrates, use one of the many websites or apps that does the counting for you. I recommend reading this Lifehack article for more great tips to eliminate grains from your diet.
In addition to limiting certain types of carbohydrates, the next thing you need to make sure of is that you eat plenty of protein and healthy fats. High protein foods you should eat at every meal include eggs, fish, pork, and red meat. You do not have to count grams of protein either. Just make sure the protein you eat is about the size of the palm of your hand at every meal and you’ll be on track to get enough every day. Last but not least, eat plenty of fat at every meal. You’ll stay full longer between meals. Fat also makes your food taste better too. Limit corn and other vegetable oils and instead make sure you get your fat from avocados, coconut, and olive oil. Almonds and macadamia nuts are also good sources of healthy fats.
3. Ditch Diet Soda and Drink Lemon Water Instead
I know, diet sodas don’t have calories and taste good. The way their bubbles make your mouth tingle feels great too. Unfortunately, they can kill your weight loss progress. Studies show that drinking diet soda can actually make you eat more and gain weight. Scientists believe this is because the artificial sweeteners in these drinks send signals to your brain that make you want to eat, even if you’re not hungry.Instead of drinking diet soda I suggest you drink cold lemon water. Doing so has many benefits. You’ll feel full longer between meals and because of the lemon juice in the water you’re body will digest food slower and can even help keep your energy levels stable. One study shows drinking cold water can help you burn more calories too.
Drinking your water before you eat may also help you eat less at every meal.
Make these 3 tips part of your life for 21 days and you’ll easily lose 10 pounds. More important, they will become habits that you follow for the days, weeks, and months to follow. Then you’ll really reap their benefits that go beyond weight loss to healthier, stronger, more energetic you!Why is eggs good for breakfast?
Forget counting calories and cutting out carbs. The key to losing weight could be as simple as having two eggs for breakfast.
Scientists have shown that those who start their day with poached, boiled or scrambled eggs can lose up to two-thirds more weight than others.
Reasons why you should eat eggs for breakfast!!! :)
1. Egg keeps you feeling full much longer than cereal or toast.
The protein and fat in eggs helps sustain your energy levels, keeping you satisfied for longer and reducing the need for a mid morning snack.
2. Eggs assist weight loss.
This is a follow on benefit from keeping you satiated. Studies have shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast are more likely to lose weight than those who ate bagels.
3. Eggs are a great source of protein.
Whole eggs are one of the most complete sources of protein, meaning eggs contain all the essential amino acids which we must get from our diets.
4. Eggs tend to be relatively inexpensive.
Compared to other high protein foods such as red meat, even free range eggs are more budget friendly.
5. Eggs aren’t going to make your cholesterol worse.
While it’s true that eggs do contain a significant amount of cholesterol, the old formula of the cholesterol you eat impacting on your blood cholesterol levels, has been disproven. So there’s no need to worry about eating eggs increasing your risk for heart disease.
6. Eggs help with brain development and memory.
Choline, an essential nutrient found in eggs, stimulates brain development and function. It has also been linked with increasing memory retention and recall as well as improving alertness.
7. Eggs protect your eyesight.
Two antioxidants, leutin and zeaxanthin, are present in eggs and have been linked to protecting eyes from damage related to UV exposure. They have also been associated with reducing the likelihood of developing cataracts in old age.
Scientists have shown that those who start their day with poached, boiled or scrambled eggs can lose up to two-thirds more weight than others.
Reasons why you should eat eggs for breakfast!!! :)
1. Egg keeps you feeling full much longer than cereal or toast.
The protein and fat in eggs helps sustain your energy levels, keeping you satisfied for longer and reducing the need for a mid morning snack.
2. Eggs assist weight loss.
This is a follow on benefit from keeping you satiated. Studies have shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast are more likely to lose weight than those who ate bagels.
3. Eggs are a great source of protein.
Whole eggs are one of the most complete sources of protein, meaning eggs contain all the essential amino acids which we must get from our diets.
4. Eggs tend to be relatively inexpensive.
Compared to other high protein foods such as red meat, even free range eggs are more budget friendly.
5. Eggs aren’t going to make your cholesterol worse.
While it’s true that eggs do contain a significant amount of cholesterol, the old formula of the cholesterol you eat impacting on your blood cholesterol levels, has been disproven. So there’s no need to worry about eating eggs increasing your risk for heart disease.
6. Eggs help with brain development and memory.
Choline, an essential nutrient found in eggs, stimulates brain development and function. It has also been linked with increasing memory retention and recall as well as improving alertness.
7. Eggs protect your eyesight.
Two antioxidants, leutin and zeaxanthin, are present in eggs and have been linked to protecting eyes from damage related to UV exposure. They have also been associated with reducing the likelihood of developing cataracts in old age.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Losing weight
Dear readers, weird right! I don't really know if this works cause I didn't try this yet but i'm trying it out after I do this post so I'm going to write the results after okay! So first thing is I found the link again qand click this if you want to lose those pounds!
Its on youtube or you can search it there or click on the link below!!!
For those of you who want to exercise not only because you want to lose weight but cuz you also want to increase your stamina or get flat abs. Honestly, I've tried every rule in the book to lose weight but every time i've tried to diet or something I got bored of doing it. Right now, I want to recommed you this videos that may work really well for you!!! :) Smiles all around?
All of these videos are by power girl fitness! The website is in the videos but just saying again the website is www.powergirlfitness.com
Good luck!!
Its on youtube or you can search it there or click on the link below!!!
For those of you who want to exercise not only because you want to lose weight but cuz you also want to increase your stamina or get flat abs. Honestly, I've tried every rule in the book to lose weight but every time i've tried to diet or something I got bored of doing it. Right now, I want to recommed you this videos that may work really well for you!!! :) Smiles all around?
All of these videos are by power girl fitness! The website is in the videos but just saying again the website is www.powergirlfitness.com
Good luck!!
Ways to use Vaseline
1. Put a coat on your eyelashes before you go to bed. Lots of people swear by this – and say it will make your lashes grow longer and thicker over time.
2. Put a coat of Vaseline on your feet at night, cover them with socks and wake up to softer feet – every day!
3. Put Vaseline on your elbows every day – they will stay soft!
4. Put Vaseline on your cuticles several times a day for softer and better looking cuticles every day.
5. Put Vaseline on chapped lips
6. Use Vaseline as lip gloss
7. Mix a little Vaseline with a little Kool-Aid powder and make a colored and flavored lip gloss!
8. Melt Vaseline and one chocolate chip in the microwave, mix and let resolidify for chocolate lip gloss!
9. Maintains perfume scent longer when applied at perfume points before spritzing the perfume.
10. Can be used as a moisturizer for acne sufferers (it is a misconception that it clogs pores)
11. Moisturizes severe dry skin
12. Use Vaseline on your knees to prevent that dry, ashy look
13. Mix with sea salts to make a scrub!
14. Applying Vaseline on your teeth prevents lips from sticking to teeth for celebrities and contestants in beauty pageants who smile a lot
15. Applied on teeth before applying lipstick prevents lipstick from sticking on them
16. Massage, baby!
17. Warmed up can be used as a night cream
18. Makeup remover
19. Protects skin exposed to adverse weather
20. Applied under eye shadow it can create a shiny effect
21. Applied on cheeks for a dewy look
22. Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving
23. Used in manicures under cuticles
24. Gets rid of dry skin lines which can arise from washing
25. Lubricates ear lobes and helps to make earring insertion easy and painless
26. Keeps fingernails pliable and resilient
27. Use with your lipstick to create a cream blusher for your cheeks
28. Helps to ease off stuck on rings
29. Tames unruly eyebrows
30. Defines eyelashes and leaves them with a glossy and waterproof look
31. Conditions scalp pre-shampooing
32. Can help prevent chaffing
33. Aids with healing after cosmetic surgery procedures
34. Reduces scaling and itching associated with dandruff
35. Theraputic when applied to lesions caused by poison ivy
36. Can help improve condition of those with atopic eczema
37. Helps heal and protect new tattoos
38. Can protect against harmful hair dyeing, perming and straightening chemicals when used as a mask around the hairline
39. Use a tiny dab to put a quick shine on your shoes and bags
40. Smear a tiny bit on your hands and scrunch through your hair for a choppy look
41. Use just a touch on the ends of your hair to hide dry and split ends
42. Remove makeup stains from clothing
43. Rub Vaseline on the neck of your nail polish bottles and they won’t get stuck to the caps
44. Make your week old nail polish look new again – rub a small dab over the polish.
45. Use a touch of Vaseline mixed with powder eyeshadow pigment to make new colors, or a more solid eyeshadow that won’t get all over your face when you put it on.
46. Stretch your favorite lotion by mixing it with Vaseline.
47. Put Vaseline on your lips, leave it a few minutes, then scrub your lips with a toothbrush to exfoliate and leave them SO smooth
48. Remove false eyelash glue from your lash line
49. Apply a small amount on dry spots on your body before fake tanning lotions are applied, and prevent uneven tanning!
50. Generously apply Vaseline all over before taking flights to combat associated dryness
2. Put a coat of Vaseline on your feet at night, cover them with socks and wake up to softer feet – every day!
3. Put Vaseline on your elbows every day – they will stay soft!
4. Put Vaseline on your cuticles several times a day for softer and better looking cuticles every day.
5. Put Vaseline on chapped lips
6. Use Vaseline as lip gloss
7. Mix a little Vaseline with a little Kool-Aid powder and make a colored and flavored lip gloss!
8. Melt Vaseline and one chocolate chip in the microwave, mix and let resolidify for chocolate lip gloss!
9. Maintains perfume scent longer when applied at perfume points before spritzing the perfume.
10. Can be used as a moisturizer for acne sufferers (it is a misconception that it clogs pores)
11. Moisturizes severe dry skin
12. Use Vaseline on your knees to prevent that dry, ashy look
13. Mix with sea salts to make a scrub!
14. Applying Vaseline on your teeth prevents lips from sticking to teeth for celebrities and contestants in beauty pageants who smile a lot
15. Applied on teeth before applying lipstick prevents lipstick from sticking on them
16. Massage, baby!
17. Warmed up can be used as a night cream
18. Makeup remover
19. Protects skin exposed to adverse weather
20. Applied under eye shadow it can create a shiny effect
21. Applied on cheeks for a dewy look
22. Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving
23. Used in manicures under cuticles
24. Gets rid of dry skin lines which can arise from washing
25. Lubricates ear lobes and helps to make earring insertion easy and painless
26. Keeps fingernails pliable and resilient
27. Use with your lipstick to create a cream blusher for your cheeks
28. Helps to ease off stuck on rings
29. Tames unruly eyebrows
30. Defines eyelashes and leaves them with a glossy and waterproof look
31. Conditions scalp pre-shampooing
32. Can help prevent chaffing
33. Aids with healing after cosmetic surgery procedures
34. Reduces scaling and itching associated with dandruff
35. Theraputic when applied to lesions caused by poison ivy
36. Can help improve condition of those with atopic eczema
37. Helps heal and protect new tattoos
38. Can protect against harmful hair dyeing, perming and straightening chemicals when used as a mask around the hairline
39. Use a tiny dab to put a quick shine on your shoes and bags
40. Smear a tiny bit on your hands and scrunch through your hair for a choppy look
41. Use just a touch on the ends of your hair to hide dry and split ends
42. Remove makeup stains from clothing
43. Rub Vaseline on the neck of your nail polish bottles and they won’t get stuck to the caps
44. Make your week old nail polish look new again – rub a small dab over the polish.
45. Use a touch of Vaseline mixed with powder eyeshadow pigment to make new colors, or a more solid eyeshadow that won’t get all over your face when you put it on.
46. Stretch your favorite lotion by mixing it with Vaseline.
47. Put Vaseline on your lips, leave it a few minutes, then scrub your lips with a toothbrush to exfoliate and leave them SO smooth
48. Remove false eyelash glue from your lash line
49. Apply a small amount on dry spots on your body before fake tanning lotions are applied, and prevent uneven tanning!
50. Generously apply Vaseline all over before taking flights to combat associated dryness
Growing long hair quickly
Hey ladies today I'm going to tell you how to grow your hair out faster yet strong! This method really works! Many people have tried this method and it grew really well. So on to the ingredients
Heat up 2-4 tablespoons of olive oil (If you don't have olive oil, you can use coconut oil, or rosemary oil.)
Apply the oil all over your scalp
Tip your head upside down for 4 minutes
Let the oil sit in your hair afterwards for 2 hours
After 2 hours, wash your hair out with a purifying/cleansing shampoo
Let air/towel dry
Do this everyday, once a day, for a week.
Hope you ladies will enjoy the tips i'm going to give you!
Try to avoid using heat appliances on your hair (curling irons, straighteners, blow dryers, etc.)
Don't brush your hair when it's wet. Reason being, hair is more delicate when it's wet, making it more easier to pull out.
Don't wear tight hairstyles 24/7. Just leave your hair down, so it's not so restrained.
Knots in your hair slow the growth process, so be sure to brush your hair whenever it's tangled. If you have curly hair and don't want/need to brush it, run your fingers through your hair to feel where the knots are, and brush that specific area only.
Eat lots of food with Vitamin B, such as: bananas, avocadoes, potatoes, soybeans, oats, meat, Brazil nuts, tuna, wheat bran, oats, salmon, eggs, butter, poultry, cheese, etc.
Try not to dye your hair when doing this
It's best to towel/air dry your hair
Good luck with your hair!!! :) <3 br="br">3>
Heat up 2-4 tablespoons of olive oil (If you don't have olive oil, you can use coconut oil, or rosemary oil.)
Apply the oil all over your scalp
Tip your head upside down for 4 minutes
Let the oil sit in your hair afterwards for 2 hours
After 2 hours, wash your hair out with a purifying/cleansing shampoo
Let air/towel dry
Do this everyday, once a day, for a week.
Hope you ladies will enjoy the tips i'm going to give you!
Try to avoid using heat appliances on your hair (curling irons, straighteners, blow dryers, etc.)
Don't brush your hair when it's wet. Reason being, hair is more delicate when it's wet, making it more easier to pull out.
Don't wear tight hairstyles 24/7. Just leave your hair down, so it's not so restrained.
Knots in your hair slow the growth process, so be sure to brush your hair whenever it's tangled. If you have curly hair and don't want/need to brush it, run your fingers through your hair to feel where the knots are, and brush that specific area only.
Eat lots of food with Vitamin B, such as: bananas, avocadoes, potatoes, soybeans, oats, meat, Brazil nuts, tuna, wheat bran, oats, salmon, eggs, butter, poultry, cheese, etc.
Try not to dye your hair when doing this
It's best to towel/air dry your hair
Good luck with your hair!!! :) <3 br="br">3>
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A very common skin problem is over-drying and dehydration of the skin. This can be extremely irritating and hard to get rid of, as it is uncomfortable and makes make-up very hard to apply evenly. This article lists routines and tips to help combat your over-dried skin and get that baby softness you want!
Exfoliate your skin. This will eliminate any lingering dead skin cells and reduce flakiness. Facial scrubs and exfoliating washes are good, but if your skin is already dry these can often contain chemicals that are designed for more oily skin and will make your dryness worse. Look for scrubs aimed at dry skin, or use an exfoliating glove, or even just a towel.
Use a hydrating face mask. This will give your skin a boost of deep-down hydration. Look for masks that are not oil-based, as they may clog your pores and give you spots or blackheads. Masks with 'non-comedogenic' (will not clog pores) on the label are ideal.
Moisturise. You should have two different moisturisers - a 'day' and a 'night'. Your 'day' moisturiser should be lighter and used to prep your skin for even make up coverage - if it is too heavy skin may look shiny and feel oily. Your 'night' moisturiser should be much heavier and penetrate deeper into the skin to obtain long-term hydration. When choosing your moisturiser make sure that it is not oil-based and is very gentle on skin with no perfume or colour - some have quite harsh or soapy ingredients that may irritate sensitive skin. Often the best moisturisers are the simplest and cheapest - try aqueous cream from your chemist.
Concentrate on the driest areas. If you have particular areas of dryness or irritation, use a small amount of oil-based ointment or cream purchased from your chemist, such as hydrocortisone cream. These products should be used sparingly as too much will clog pores and produce blemishes.
Use less make up! It may sound counter-productive in covering up unsightly dry patches, but make up is bad for your skin and will make any skin problems worse. DO NOT APPLY FOUNDATION TO DRY PATCHES. This will turn orange or flaky and make the patches look much more noticeable, as well as prolonging the length of time you have to put up with them or even making them worse. Better to have bare dry patches for a few days than conspicuous orange bits for weeks.
Use very light, good quality mineral make up. Liquid make up sticks more prominently to dry patches and looks much more uneven than mineral make up, but the mineral make up you use must be good quality, as cheap stuff contains harsh and drying chemicals that will make your skin worse. Invest in some good quality, light powder which will even your complexion. ALWAYS use moisturiser before applying make up.
Hydrate from the inside out. Ensure you drink plenty of water each day - around two litres should do it - to clear spots and hydrate skin. Bad skin quality can also be caused by a poor diet and lack of vitamins, so make sure you eat plenty of fruit, protein (especially if you are vegetarian), and get enough exercise. I'm sure you've had this preached to you thousand of times before but trust me, it works!
Happy trying! hope it works for you!!!:)
Exfoliate your skin. This will eliminate any lingering dead skin cells and reduce flakiness. Facial scrubs and exfoliating washes are good, but if your skin is already dry these can often contain chemicals that are designed for more oily skin and will make your dryness worse. Look for scrubs aimed at dry skin, or use an exfoliating glove, or even just a towel.
Use a hydrating face mask. This will give your skin a boost of deep-down hydration. Look for masks that are not oil-based, as they may clog your pores and give you spots or blackheads. Masks with 'non-comedogenic' (will not clog pores) on the label are ideal.
Moisturise. You should have two different moisturisers - a 'day' and a 'night'. Your 'day' moisturiser should be lighter and used to prep your skin for even make up coverage - if it is too heavy skin may look shiny and feel oily. Your 'night' moisturiser should be much heavier and penetrate deeper into the skin to obtain long-term hydration. When choosing your moisturiser make sure that it is not oil-based and is very gentle on skin with no perfume or colour - some have quite harsh or soapy ingredients that may irritate sensitive skin. Often the best moisturisers are the simplest and cheapest - try aqueous cream from your chemist.
Concentrate on the driest areas. If you have particular areas of dryness or irritation, use a small amount of oil-based ointment or cream purchased from your chemist, such as hydrocortisone cream. These products should be used sparingly as too much will clog pores and produce blemishes.
Use less make up! It may sound counter-productive in covering up unsightly dry patches, but make up is bad for your skin and will make any skin problems worse. DO NOT APPLY FOUNDATION TO DRY PATCHES. This will turn orange or flaky and make the patches look much more noticeable, as well as prolonging the length of time you have to put up with them or even making them worse. Better to have bare dry patches for a few days than conspicuous orange bits for weeks.
Use very light, good quality mineral make up. Liquid make up sticks more prominently to dry patches and looks much more uneven than mineral make up, but the mineral make up you use must be good quality, as cheap stuff contains harsh and drying chemicals that will make your skin worse. Invest in some good quality, light powder which will even your complexion. ALWAYS use moisturiser before applying make up.
Hydrate from the inside out. Ensure you drink plenty of water each day - around two litres should do it - to clear spots and hydrate skin. Bad skin quality can also be caused by a poor diet and lack of vitamins, so make sure you eat plenty of fruit, protein (especially if you are vegetarian), and get enough exercise. I'm sure you've had this preached to you thousand of times before but trust me, it works!
Happy trying! hope it works for you!!!:)
Hydrating facial spray
A misty spritzing of face spray is a terrific way to keep your skin hydrated and to wake up your senses. This formula, adapted from Easy Green Living: The Ultimate Guide to Simple, Eco-Friendly Choices For You and Your Home, by Renee Loux, is just the thing. The author recommends using distilled water or bottled mineral water for optimal shelf life and best results.
Note about essential oils: Follow your sense of appeal when using oils for scent. Start slowly with mixing and matching–some of the best blends are simple, so try just one or two at first. High-quality essential oils cost a pretty penny, but just a wee bit is needed and they have an indefinite shelf life. Happy blending!
1 cup distilled or mineral water
10 drops pure essential oils of lavender, rose, chamomile, and/or sweet orange
Suggestions: 4 drops rose, 3 drops lavender, 2 drops chamomile and 1 drop sweet orange or 5 drops each of lavender and chamomile.
Place all of the ingredients in a glass jar. Cap the bottle tightly and shake well. Pour the mixture into a 1- or 2-ounce spray bottle.
Store the remainder in the fridge and refill the spray bottle as needed; it will keep forever. Lightly spray your face whenever your skin or your outlook needs refreshing.
For dry skin, add 1/2 teaspoon vegetable glycerine (a humectant that draws water from the air to condition the skin and is available at natural markets) or 1 teaspoon avocado or almond oil.
For sensitive skin, choose the soothing essential oils of rose and chamomile over those of lavender and sweet orange.
For oily skin, add 1 teaspoon of witch hazel and try the essential oils of lavender and grapefruit
Good Luck ! :)
Note about essential oils: Follow your sense of appeal when using oils for scent. Start slowly with mixing and matching–some of the best blends are simple, so try just one or two at first. High-quality essential oils cost a pretty penny, but just a wee bit is needed and they have an indefinite shelf life. Happy blending!
1 cup distilled or mineral water
10 drops pure essential oils of lavender, rose, chamomile, and/or sweet orange
Suggestions: 4 drops rose, 3 drops lavender, 2 drops chamomile and 1 drop sweet orange or 5 drops each of lavender and chamomile.
Place all of the ingredients in a glass jar. Cap the bottle tightly and shake well. Pour the mixture into a 1- or 2-ounce spray bottle.
Store the remainder in the fridge and refill the spray bottle as needed; it will keep forever. Lightly spray your face whenever your skin or your outlook needs refreshing.
For dry skin, add 1/2 teaspoon vegetable glycerine (a humectant that draws water from the air to condition the skin and is available at natural markets) or 1 teaspoon avocado or almond oil.
For sensitive skin, choose the soothing essential oils of rose and chamomile over those of lavender and sweet orange.
For oily skin, add 1 teaspoon of witch hazel and try the essential oils of lavender and grapefruit
Good Luck ! :)
Simple Hair Masks
You don’t need to buy the priciest conditioners on the market to moisturize and revitalize your hair — just whip up a wonderful homemade hair mask from ingredients you’ll find right in your kitchen. The bonus? These all-natural moisturizers add softness and shine to your hair without using a single chemical. Here’s how to get started.
Go bananas. Bananas make a wonderful hair mask when blended with an egg, three teaspoons each of honey and milk, and five teaspoons of olive oil. Massage the mixture onto your hair and scalp and leave it on for a half hour before you shampoo it out.
Egg yourself on. Scramble two eggs with two teaspoons of water, then work the mixture into damp hair. Let it soak in for 15 minutes before you wash your hair.
Get a little honey. A sweet conditioning mask mixes equal parts honey and olive oil. You’ll need to rub the mask into your hair and wrap your locks in plastic wrap. Shampoo after 30 minutes.
Oil up your scalp. Make a mask from two eggs and five teaspoons of olive oil and massage into your hair and scalp. Let it sit for a half hour before washing it out.
Try a little avocado. Mix mashed avocado with a teaspoon each of olive oil and honey, then apply to your hair. Leave the mask on for at least 20 minutes, then wash it away.
Get some fruit. Grab a bunch of your favorite fruits. Put a half a banana in a blender with one-quarter each of a cantaloupe and an avocado and two tablespoons of yogurt. Apply the mixture to your hair for 15 minutes before you shampoo.
Mix up some strawberries. Mix a cup of strawberries, an egg yolk, and two tablespoons of olive oil in your food processor, then work it into your hair. Let it soak in for 20 minutes before shampooing it away.
Put a little mayo on it. Thicken your hair while you condition with a hair mask made of mayo. You can use plain mayo, or mix in a few teaspoons of Epsom salts and a beaten egg. Either way, let it sit in your hair for a half hour before shampooing. (The mayo also makes a killer defrizzer.)
Go a little nutty. Almond oil can also help defrizz your hair. To make a hair mask, combine a ¼ cup of honey, a ½ cup of yogurt, and a tablespoon of almond oil, then work it into your hair from root to tip. Leave it on for 20 minutes before you shampoo.
Go bananas. Bananas make a wonderful hair mask when blended with an egg, three teaspoons each of honey and milk, and five teaspoons of olive oil. Massage the mixture onto your hair and scalp and leave it on for a half hour before you shampoo it out.
Egg yourself on. Scramble two eggs with two teaspoons of water, then work the mixture into damp hair. Let it soak in for 15 minutes before you wash your hair.
Get a little honey. A sweet conditioning mask mixes equal parts honey and olive oil. You’ll need to rub the mask into your hair and wrap your locks in plastic wrap. Shampoo after 30 minutes.
Oil up your scalp. Make a mask from two eggs and five teaspoons of olive oil and massage into your hair and scalp. Let it sit for a half hour before washing it out.
Try a little avocado. Mix mashed avocado with a teaspoon each of olive oil and honey, then apply to your hair. Leave the mask on for at least 20 minutes, then wash it away.
Get some fruit. Grab a bunch of your favorite fruits. Put a half a banana in a blender with one-quarter each of a cantaloupe and an avocado and two tablespoons of yogurt. Apply the mixture to your hair for 15 minutes before you shampoo.
Mix up some strawberries. Mix a cup of strawberries, an egg yolk, and two tablespoons of olive oil in your food processor, then work it into your hair. Let it soak in for 20 minutes before shampooing it away.
Put a little mayo on it. Thicken your hair while you condition with a hair mask made of mayo. You can use plain mayo, or mix in a few teaspoons of Epsom salts and a beaten egg. Either way, let it sit in your hair for a half hour before shampooing. (The mayo also makes a killer defrizzer.)
Go a little nutty. Almond oil can also help defrizz your hair. To make a hair mask, combine a ¼ cup of honey, a ½ cup of yogurt, and a tablespoon of almond oil, then work it into your hair from root to tip. Leave it on for 20 minutes before you shampoo.
Teeth whiteners.
Today i'm showing you how to make a teeth whitener. As many stores, they do not sell vegetable glycerin so you can purchase them online if you're desperate for the resutls.
Mix these ingredients together and then brush them on your teeth. You should get a pasty type of result. If its too watery add more of baking soda and pepermint. If its too dry add a few more drops of vegetable glycerin. Brusht these on your teeth once a week if you have sensitive teeth. If you don't brush this twice a week.
The steps to make this is the same as the other one above.
Thanx hope you try them out and tell me how you like it or anything. Good Luck:)
Mix these ingredients together and then brush them on your teeth. You should get a pasty type of result. If its too watery add more of baking soda and pepermint. If its too dry add a few more drops of vegetable glycerin. Brusht these on your teeth once a week if you have sensitive teeth. If you don't brush this twice a week.
The steps to make this is the same as the other one above.
Thanx hope you try them out and tell me how you like it or anything. Good Luck:)
Uses of vegetable glycerin
Cleansing Oil
- Glycerin makes a good base for facial cleansing oils. It is a natural product that can soften dry skin with a nice cooling effect. It is also good to use on sensitive skin with the addition of aloe vera gel. Mix glycerin with liquid castile soap for an effective cleanser. Add essential oils such as rosemary or peppermint for added scent. The essential oils helps to calm your nerves especially if you use lavender or chamomile oil.
Clear Soaps
- Vegetable glycerin makes attractive clear soaps. It is easy to work with too. Add dyes and essential oils to create soap. Be aware, because of its tendency to draw moisture from the air, that it will dissolve more quickly than normal bar soaps. Refrain from using glycerin soaps on your face in dry environments to prevent moisture loss.
Herbal Preparations
- Its sweet taste makes it a good base for herbal preparations that may contain bitter or sour-tasting herbs. Glycerin mixed with baking soda, salt and peppermint essential oil creates pleasant-tasting toothpaste that whitens your teeth. You can purchase the glycerin online as it is quite hard to find in supermarkets.
Facial Creams
- Glycerin can be added to facial cream for added moisturizing and soothing effects. Mix with sweet almond oil, liquid lecithin and melted beeswax. Add rosewater and essential oils for a mix and match of your own scent. As with any product, discontinue use if you experience redness or other reactions when using products with glycerin.
Hair Conditioner
- Glycerin makes an effective conditioner, bringing moisture to dry hair. To help heal damaged hair, add aloe vera to glycerin for a moisture-rich conditioner.
Household Uses
- Glycerin has applications that make household products. Grease molds and cupcake pans for easy removal after baking. Prevent hydraulic jacks from freezing with a little glycerin applied to exposed surfaces.
Good luck fnding the glycerin! Happy always:)
Monday, November 12, 2012
Hey ladies out there. If you want nail care treatments, tips or online videos to show you how to do nail art. Comment on my blog and i'll try to respond asap.
Now Im going to show you nail art for short nails. This can also be done for long nails if you like them.
Hope you ladies like it.
This is for those who do not have a dotting tool, you can use substitues.
Short and long nails! Art
Now Im going to show you nail art for short nails. This can also be done for long nails if you like them.
Hope you ladies like it.
This is for those who do not have a dotting tool, you can use substitues.
Short and long nails! Art
School Bag essentials
First thing: A hand sanitizer is essential for school. Remmeber keeping clean prevents germs from coming into contact with your hands face and etc. You don't want pimples on your face just because you didn't wash you hands and touched you face.
Instead of a wallet why don't you buy a wristlet. You can keep your money in there plus you phone, I.D. and other valuable stuff. Besides you don't want to bring such a heavy wallet around with you. One of the reasons why I like a wristlet is because its light and you can carry it around on your hand without losing it!
To bring your keys to your house is optional but i recommend it. Sometimes, I get lockeed out because i forgot that my family is going out today and I forgot my keys. I am talking from personal experience so if you are forgetful please bring your keys.
Bring gum and mints. One is for bad breath and one helps you to concentrate as mints wakes you up during class if you're feeling sleepy. Some classes don't allow gum so use mint. It all depends on the teacher actually. But sometimes, i just can't control it as I'm feel sleepy so I do it in secret.
Get one or two files. one should be for your homewrok while the other for letters and etc. It depends on how many files you want as files keep you organised and tidy. You wouldn't want to open your bag and find your test paper which is torn as the corners and being crumpled at the corners.
Don't forget your school agenda and other notebooks and exercise books. It all depends to you about what you want to do with them. Your school agenda is useful as you can write your homewrok in it if you may forget or you are forgetful. Please bring a novel with you as you can occupy yourself with something during a free period.
Your pencilcase. One very important thing for school. Remember to bring extra pens and pencils and other stationary as many people love to take your stationary and never return them. Well unless you know about it and keep tailing them till they give it back. Bring your calculator!! Never forget that! Especially for math class. Please bring a water bottle. Keep yourself hydrated during class or after P.E.
Last thing, I bring a P.E kit/Make up kit as after the lesson some people or me may start to stink up. This P.E kit is equipped with deodarant, mints, nail filer, teeth floss, Sanitary pads or tampons, A mini hairbrush, headbands, hair ties, a mirror, body mist, Breath spray, make up(optional), chapstick/ lip balm.
Okay so those are the essentials i recommend you ladies to bring.
Instead of a wallet why don't you buy a wristlet. You can keep your money in there plus you phone, I.D. and other valuable stuff. Besides you don't want to bring such a heavy wallet around with you. One of the reasons why I like a wristlet is because its light and you can carry it around on your hand without losing it!
To bring your keys to your house is optional but i recommend it. Sometimes, I get lockeed out because i forgot that my family is going out today and I forgot my keys. I am talking from personal experience so if you are forgetful please bring your keys.
Bring gum and mints. One is for bad breath and one helps you to concentrate as mints wakes you up during class if you're feeling sleepy. Some classes don't allow gum so use mint. It all depends on the teacher actually. But sometimes, i just can't control it as I'm feel sleepy so I do it in secret.
Get one or two files. one should be for your homewrok while the other for letters and etc. It depends on how many files you want as files keep you organised and tidy. You wouldn't want to open your bag and find your test paper which is torn as the corners and being crumpled at the corners.
Don't forget your school agenda and other notebooks and exercise books. It all depends to you about what you want to do with them. Your school agenda is useful as you can write your homewrok in it if you may forget or you are forgetful. Please bring a novel with you as you can occupy yourself with something during a free period.
Your pencilcase. One very important thing for school. Remember to bring extra pens and pencils and other stationary as many people love to take your stationary and never return them. Well unless you know about it and keep tailing them till they give it back. Bring your calculator!! Never forget that! Especially for math class. Please bring a water bottle. Keep yourself hydrated during class or after P.E.
Last thing, I bring a P.E kit/Make up kit as after the lesson some people or me may start to stink up. This P.E kit is equipped with deodarant, mints, nail filer, teeth floss, Sanitary pads or tampons, A mini hairbrush, headbands, hair ties, a mirror, body mist, Breath spray, make up(optional), chapstick/ lip balm.
Okay so those are the essentials i recommend you ladies to bring.
Hello to my viewers! At the end of this page i wanna ask you a question so please respond. I'm very confused right now.
Oh yes! Now the reason why I am blogging now is because i wanna show you fashion websites. Most of them are really inexpensive. But one or two are more expensive.
1) www.forever21.com
2) www.lulus.com
3) www.intimint.com (undergarments for women)
4) www.freepeople.com
Hey guys do you know what is Google Adsense? Some say its a scam and all. And I'm afraid it's true! Any suggestions please ask your friends if you don't know. Thks
Oh yes! Now the reason why I am blogging now is because i wanna show you fashion websites. Most of them are really inexpensive. But one or two are more expensive.
1) www.forever21.com
2) www.lulus.com
3) www.intimint.com (undergarments for women)
4) www.freepeople.com
Hey guys do you know what is Google Adsense? Some say its a scam and all. And I'm afraid it's true! Any suggestions please ask your friends if you don't know. Thks
Drinks to lose weight
. Ice Cold WaterDrink ice cold water to help your body burn more calories. Your body needs to burn more calories so the temperature of the ice cold water helps your body temperature. Drinking 2 glasses of ice cold water helps improve the rate of metabolism.
Milk is known as the least obvious drink to boost our metabolism. However, the fact is that milk is rich in calcium which can help you lose weight as it increases the rate at which the body breaks the fat cells. But it does not mean that you start drinking gallons of milk every day. Instead, you should drink at least one full glass of milk to increase the fat burning process.
Green Tea Switch to drinking green tea instead of coffee or regular sweetened tea. Green tea has a metabolic effect that increases your metabolism. This means that many people can burn extra calories per day or lose certain lbs in a year by drinking green tea. The drink is rich in catechins that help increase the amount of "Norepinephrine" which is a metabolism-increasing brain chemical. Weird right!
Soy or Wheat Protein DrinksWheat protein are some of the best sources of consuming protein.Since these are proteins in liquid forms, to drink is easier compared to solid forms. These drinks are good ways to boost you metabolism and they protect and build muscles which you are able to preserve.
Good luck trying them out! Hope you like it. Most of them I have learned from my family and from books. Learning new secrets.
Milk is known as the least obvious drink to boost our metabolism. However, the fact is that milk is rich in calcium which can help you lose weight as it increases the rate at which the body breaks the fat cells. But it does not mean that you start drinking gallons of milk every day. Instead, you should drink at least one full glass of milk to increase the fat burning process.
Green Tea Switch to drinking green tea instead of coffee or regular sweetened tea. Green tea has a metabolic effect that increases your metabolism. This means that many people can burn extra calories per day or lose certain lbs in a year by drinking green tea. The drink is rich in catechins that help increase the amount of "Norepinephrine" which is a metabolism-increasing brain chemical. Weird right!
Soy or Wheat Protein DrinksWheat protein are some of the best sources of consuming protein.Since these are proteins in liquid forms, to drink is easier compared to solid forms. These drinks are good ways to boost you metabolism and they protect and build muscles which you are able to preserve.
Good luck trying them out! Hope you like it. Most of them I have learned from my family and from books. Learning new secrets.
Turkey Roll-ups
Great meal idea for a party or a light snack and meal!!!
- 2 teaspoons Mustard
- 2 teaspoons honey
- 8 slices turkey breast
- 2 large red leaf lettuce leaves, spines removed, torn into 8 pieces
- 1/4 large English cucumber, seeded and cut into 3-inch long sticks
- 1/4 large red pepper, sliced
- 8 large basil leaves
In a small bowl mix together the Dijon mustard and honey until well combined.
Lay a slice of turkey on a plate or cutting board. Spread a 1/2 teaspoon of the honey-mustard mixture widthwise along the turkey about 2 inches from the end of the slice. Place a piece of lettuce on top, then a couple of sticks of cucumber and slices of red pepper. Top with a basil leaf and roll it all up in the turkey slice.
Lay a slice of turkey on a plate or cutting board. Spread a 1/2 teaspoon of the honey-mustard mixture widthwise along the turkey about 2 inches from the end of the slice. Place a piece of lettuce on top, then a couple of sticks of cucumber and slices of red pepper. Top with a basil leaf and roll it all up in the turkey slice.
Light chicken pot pie recipe ( Healthy)
For the Crust:
- 1 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon fine salt
- 4 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
- 1 large egg
- 2 tablespoons 2% milk
For the Filling:
- 2 small russet potatoes
- 4 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
- 5 medium carrots, cut into large chunks
- 1 to 2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
- 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 large onion, finely diced
- 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1/3 cup 2% milk
- 3 stalks celery, sliced
- 3 cups shredded rotisserie chicken, skin removed
- 1/2 cup fat-free plain Greek yogurt
- 1 cup frozen peas
- 1/2 cup minced fresh parsley
- Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
Prepare the crust: Pulse the flour, baking powder and salt in a food processor until combined. Add the butter, one piece at a time, pulsing until the mixture looks like coarse meal. Separate the egg; refrigerate the egg white. Beat the egg yolk and milk in a bowl, then add to the food processor, pulsing until the dough comes together. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and gather into a ball. Flatten into a disk, wrap in plastic wrap and chill at least 1 hour.
Meanwhile, make the filling: Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Prick the potatoes with a fork and bake directly on the oven rack until tender, about 45 minutes. Cool slightly, then peel and break into small pieces.
Bring the chicken broth, carrots and thyme to a simmer in a small saucepan over medium heat and cook 2 minutes; cover and keep warm. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onion and cook until soft, about 8 minutes. Sprinkle in the flour and stir until lightly toasted, about 3 minutes. Add the milk, celery, potato pieces and the warm broth mixture and simmer until thickened, about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the chicken, yogurt, peas and parsley. Season with salt and pepper.
Transfer the filling to a 2-quart casserole dish. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until about 1/2 inch thick and slightly larger than the dish. Beat the reserved egg white in a bowl; brush over the dough and season with salt and pepper. Press the dough against the sides of the dish. Place on a baking sheet and bake until the crust is golden brown, 20 to 25 minutes.
How many Calories, Fat and etc. intake??
Per serving (1 cup): Calories 482; Fat 19 g (Saturated 8 g); Cholesterol 137 mg; Sodium 795 mg; Carbohydrate 47 g; Fiber 5 g; Protein 31 g
Healthy foods keep you smiling! :)
Meanwhile, make the filling: Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Prick the potatoes with a fork and bake directly on the oven rack until tender, about 45 minutes. Cool slightly, then peel and break into small pieces.
Bring the chicken broth, carrots and thyme to a simmer in a small saucepan over medium heat and cook 2 minutes; cover and keep warm. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onion and cook until soft, about 8 minutes. Sprinkle in the flour and stir until lightly toasted, about 3 minutes. Add the milk, celery, potato pieces and the warm broth mixture and simmer until thickened, about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the chicken, yogurt, peas and parsley. Season with salt and pepper.
Transfer the filling to a 2-quart casserole dish. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until about 1/2 inch thick and slightly larger than the dish. Beat the reserved egg white in a bowl; brush over the dough and season with salt and pepper. Press the dough against the sides of the dish. Place on a baking sheet and bake until the crust is golden brown, 20 to 25 minutes.
How many Calories, Fat and etc. intake??
Per serving (1 cup): Calories 482; Fat 19 g (Saturated 8 g); Cholesterol 137 mg; Sodium 795 mg; Carbohydrate 47 g; Fiber 5 g; Protein 31 g
Healthy foods keep you smiling! :)
Every skin is different, so facials should be customized based on what's going on with your skin at the time of your appointment.Why pay for a storebought face mask when you can use basic ingredients found around the house to make your own simple, hydrating masks and scrubs?
Facials for All skin types...
The Egg Facial...
Facials for All skin types...
The Egg Facial...
- 2 egg whites, separated from the yolk and placed in a bowl
- 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (I like Greek yogurt)
Separate the egg whites from a couple eggs and place them in a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of yogurt (do not use flavored yogurt!). Mix them up and apply to face. Leave on face for a few minutes then rinse face in warm water, followed by a warm washcloth.
This face mask is suitable for all skin types and is super simple to prepare. It will cleanse and rejuvenate your skin.
The Sweet Oatmeal Yoghurt Facial
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 3 minutes
- 1 tbsp oatmeal, finely ground
- 1 tbsp live, organic yogurt (skip the flavored stuff)
- A few drops of honey
Add the yogurt to the oatmeal in a small bowl and mix together. Warm a few drop of honey. To do this, warm a spoon under hot water for a minute, then add a few drops of honey to the spoon. Stir the honey into the yogurt and oatmeal mixture. Apply the mask to the face. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse off with several splashes of warm water. Follow with a warm washcloth. Apply moisturizer.
The Sugar Facial:::
The Sugar Facial:::
Sugar is a preferred exfoliant to salt because it tends not to tear at the skin. When dead skin collects on the surface of skin, it's important to slough it away. This helps clear up clogged pores. When skin isn't exfoliated, it can appear ashy.
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 3 tbsp warm water
Stir sugar into warm water so that it melts.
Make sure granules are dissolved, otherwise they could tear your skin.
Apply to the face.
Gently massage around the skin.
Rinse with warm water OR I like to take a warm washcloth that's steamed in the microwave. Make sure the washcloth is not too hot.
Make sure granules are dissolved, otherwise they could tear your skin.
Apply to the face.
Gently massage around the skin.
Rinse with warm water OR I like to take a warm washcloth that's steamed in the microwave. Make sure the washcloth is not too hot.
Happy in the making
Grapefruits and saving money diet plans
It is especially important to ask your doctor about using the Grapefruit Diet if you are taking any medication, as grapefruit can interfere with medication.
The Grapefruit Diet Plan12 days on - 2 days offVegetables Allowed: Red onions, green onions, bell peppers, radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, peas. Vegetables to Avoid: White onions, potatoes, celery. Grapefruit Diet Breakfast Every Day:1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) 2 Eggs (any style) 2 Slices Bacon Grapefruit Diet Lunch Every Day:1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) Meat (any style, any amount) Salad (any kind of dressing) Grapefruit Diet Dinner Every Day:1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) Meat (any style, any amount) (fish may be substituted for meat) Vegetables (any green, yellow, or red vegetables cooked in butter or any seasoning) Grapefruit Diet Night Time Snack Every Day:1 glass tomato juice or 1 glass Skim milk. Budget Friendly Scarsdale DietOn this, as on the basic Diet, always follow the Scarsdale Medical Diet basic rules. Check with your doctor before starting any diet plan.Click on the recipes for dishes marked with an asterisk* to get the recipe for that item.
Dieting tips!!
You must eat in order to lose weight. Starving yourself causes your metabolism (the mechanism that burns fat) to go into hibernation, so that it can store up energy. This means that starving yourself is actually a really bad idea. You'll do harm to your body and wonder why you're not shedding pounds, even though you haven't eaten anything.
It goes without saying, but you also don't want to develop an eating disorder. Anorexia and Bulimia are serious conditions that need treatment. If you think you might have an eating disorder, tell someone you trust and seek help immediately. No amount of weight loss is worth jeopardizing your health.
Some extra tips
A glass of water or green tea before and after every meal to fill you up more so you don't eat as much and the second to help digest the food faster.[1]:
Minimum 3 servings of fruit daily.
Minimum 4 servings of vegetables daily
4-8 servings of carbohydrates[2] (rice, pasta, bread, etc.) daily
3-7 servings of protein[3] (meat, fish, etc.) and dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.) daily
3-5 servings of fats[4] (nuts, peanut butter, etc.) daily
All these foods are needed for the body to help you lose weight and fats fast. I know many of you out there are just not cut out for working out daily or a few times a week. But bear in mind that by saving at least 5 minutes a day can help you lose weight even faster than just by dieting. Of course if you only work out that might not help you exactly super fast. For the fastest results try dieting and exercising at the same time.
The basic rules of healthy eating:
Drink lots of water! You should have at least 8 glasses of water a day! Water rinses out unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your brain sharp. It keeps you hydrated and even helps keep your skin clear and zit-free!Plus, drinking only water means that you won't drink any sugar-water or energy drinks, which can contain up to 800 calories per drink. (Just think: half your daily calories in one drink!) Water is healthy, it tastes good, and it's an essential part of keeping you trim.
For exercising, every one out there who wants to burn the fastest calories, try to do a high intensity workout lasting for 30 minutes to an hour. And if you aren't sweating, it means you're not burning enough calories. Build up muscles as muscles will take up the space that you're fats were used to be stored and the muscles help you burn calories just by being there. The more muscles you have the faster you'll lose weight.
Some extra tips
The basic rules of healthy eating:
- Breakfast: Carbohydrates, fat, dairy
- Lunch: Carbohydrates, veggies, protein
- Dinner: Pasta, carbohydrates, veggies
- Snacks: Fruit, veggies, dairy, protein
- For each meal, make the veggies the main part, then the protein, then the carbohydrates. There should be dairy with every meal too.
- A serving of food or veggies fits in the palm of your hand.
Drink lots of water! You should have at least 8 glasses of water a day! Water rinses out unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your brain sharp. It keeps you hydrated and even helps keep your skin clear and zit-free!Plus, drinking only water means that you won't drink any sugar-water or energy drinks, which can contain up to 800 calories per drink. (Just think: half your daily calories in one drink!) Water is healthy, it tastes good, and it's an essential part of keeping you trim.
For exercising, every one out there who wants to burn the fastest calories, try to do a high intensity workout lasting for 30 minutes to an hour. And if you aren't sweating, it means you're not burning enough calories. Build up muscles as muscles will take up the space that you're fats were used to be stored and the muscles help you burn calories just by being there. The more muscles you have the faster you'll lose weight.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
One tip on body mist and perfumes.
As most of you know perfumes are a form of fragrances. Oh yeah when you go perfume or body mist shopping. Bring a few beads of coffee beans. Some stores will provide them but some don't. The reason why you should bring one is because after sniffing one or two out, your nose has gotten used to those two or one smell and it might just make another typeof fragrance smell disgusting when it actully smells wonderful .So ladies or men please try and bring some coffee beans when you go shopping even though you're not going to buy any perfumes. Seriously. ladies once you get to that corner you may not be able to get away til you buy one for yourself or something.
One tip to relax and to find true happiness is through meditating. I know some may look back and hear that mmm sound when monks meditate or something else. But guys you should try this... just sit down at a quiet place and breathe deeply. Watch your thoughts flow by.
If you feel a little weird about trying it just think about you or anyone's actions. Just pick any random one and think about it. Maybe you were walking and remember the face you gave to your nemesis. Sit down and laugh about it if you think it was weird how you did it. Love the life you have now. Don't care about how miserable your life is... always remember that we live once and life is so short one moment we're alive and the next we are down dead.
Peacefulness helps alot! Really alot!Good Luck!
If you feel a little weird about trying it just think about you or anyone's actions. Just pick any random one and think about it. Maybe you were walking and remember the face you gave to your nemesis. Sit down and laugh about it if you think it was weird how you did it. Love the life you have now. Don't care about how miserable your life is... always remember that we live once and life is so short one moment we're alive and the next we are down dead.
Peacefulness helps alot! Really alot!Good Luck!
Anybody interested to listen? Wait read? Weight loss
One of the most common questions I get is how to lose belly fat. Belly fat is actually the most dangerous type of fat – besides aesthetics, large waist lines are indicators of –disease-disease-disease.
It takes more than just crunches! We start to gain weight in our midsection when our cortisol levels spike. Stress is one of the primary culprits for high levels of cortisol secretion. When this happens cortisol breaks downs lean muscle (the type of tissue that burns calories most efficiently) and also holds on to fat storage in the abdominal region. That stress can even get WORSE with bad dieting; studies show that the stress caused by dieting can increase cortisol levels, making no change in belly fat even with calorie restriction. So how do you shape up? Incorporate these 6 things below and you will be on your way to a flatter belly in no time flat!
1. Sleep
If you want to work late at night, think again. When your biorhythms are off, you end up eating more. When you’re tired you produce more ghrelin, which triggers cravings for sugar and other fat-building foods. Losing sleep can also alter your hormone production, affecting your cortisol levels that cause insulin sensitivity, prime reasons for belly fat! Getting about 7 hours of sleep a night is one of the best things you can do for your body shaping goals.
2. Short bursts of exercises
1000 crunches a night may get you strong abdominal muscles, but with a full layer of fat on top, you will not get the results you really want. Instead of all those crunches, do exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and work your cardiovascular system. Try planking, where you hold yourself in a push-up position, resting your forearms on the ground. Try 3 or 4 sets of holding for 30 seconds each. Getting up and moving throughout the day by going for walks will also help.
3. Sugar is your Enemy
Fighting belly fat is 80% healthy diet. Reduce calories by filling yourself up with protein, vegetables, whole grains, and replacing bad habit snacks with good ones. For example, if you have a sugar craving, replace your calorie laden latte with a Muscle Milk lite, one of my favorites, because it has zero sugar and a ton of protein that will satiate while also torching my sugar craving! Another great trick is a sprinkle of cinnamon in your morning coffee or oatmeal- the spice has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar. It also slows the rate at which food exits the stomach, which helps you feel fuller longer.
4. Vitamin C
When you’re under extreme stress, you secret more cortisol hormone. Vitamin C helps balance the cortisol spikes that happen to you under this stress. Besides being a good way to counteract a cold, Vitamin C is also essential for making carnitine, a compound used by the body to turn fat into fuel, making this vitamin your fat burning friend.
If you’re going through an emotional crisis, stress from work, or a bad eating splurge, increase your vitamin C – it’ll help counteract the negative side effects. Try bell peppers, kale or kiwi fruits. These have even more Vitamin C than the famous Orange!
5. Eat Fat
Yup, you heard me! It takes fat to burn fat. Like I said above, it’s sugar that gets you fat, not fat. Good fats include foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & walnuts. These foods are full of nutrients that help keep you satiated throughout the day.
6. Slowing down your breath
This is a very simple method that you can use even when you’re in the midst of doing something else. Whenever you notice you’re feeling tense and uptight check and see how you’re breathing. Most people under stress either alternate holding their breath with short breaths, or take rapid shallow breaths. After you become aware of your own breathing, consciously relax your belly and slow down the breathing. This works best if you focus on slowing down the exhalation rather than your inhalation. With each exhalation you can say to yourself “slow down”. That is all there is to it- Simple but surprisingly effective!!!
It takes more than just crunches! We start to gain weight in our midsection when our cortisol levels spike. Stress is one of the primary culprits for high levels of cortisol secretion. When this happens cortisol breaks downs lean muscle (the type of tissue that burns calories most efficiently) and also holds on to fat storage in the abdominal region. That stress can even get WORSE with bad dieting; studies show that the stress caused by dieting can increase cortisol levels, making no change in belly fat even with calorie restriction. So how do you shape up? Incorporate these 6 things below and you will be on your way to a flatter belly in no time flat!
1. Sleep
If you want to work late at night, think again. When your biorhythms are off, you end up eating more. When you’re tired you produce more ghrelin, which triggers cravings for sugar and other fat-building foods. Losing sleep can also alter your hormone production, affecting your cortisol levels that cause insulin sensitivity, prime reasons for belly fat! Getting about 7 hours of sleep a night is one of the best things you can do for your body shaping goals.
2. Short bursts of exercises
1000 crunches a night may get you strong abdominal muscles, but with a full layer of fat on top, you will not get the results you really want. Instead of all those crunches, do exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and work your cardiovascular system. Try planking, where you hold yourself in a push-up position, resting your forearms on the ground. Try 3 or 4 sets of holding for 30 seconds each. Getting up and moving throughout the day by going for walks will also help.
3. Sugar is your Enemy
Fighting belly fat is 80% healthy diet. Reduce calories by filling yourself up with protein, vegetables, whole grains, and replacing bad habit snacks with good ones. For example, if you have a sugar craving, replace your calorie laden latte with a Muscle Milk lite, one of my favorites, because it has zero sugar and a ton of protein that will satiate while also torching my sugar craving! Another great trick is a sprinkle of cinnamon in your morning coffee or oatmeal- the spice has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar. It also slows the rate at which food exits the stomach, which helps you feel fuller longer.
4. Vitamin C
When you’re under extreme stress, you secret more cortisol hormone. Vitamin C helps balance the cortisol spikes that happen to you under this stress. Besides being a good way to counteract a cold, Vitamin C is also essential for making carnitine, a compound used by the body to turn fat into fuel, making this vitamin your fat burning friend.
If you’re going through an emotional crisis, stress from work, or a bad eating splurge, increase your vitamin C – it’ll help counteract the negative side effects. Try bell peppers, kale or kiwi fruits. These have even more Vitamin C than the famous Orange!
5. Eat Fat
Yup, you heard me! It takes fat to burn fat. Like I said above, it’s sugar that gets you fat, not fat. Good fats include foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & walnuts. These foods are full of nutrients that help keep you satiated throughout the day.
6. Slowing down your breath
This is a very simple method that you can use even when you’re in the midst of doing something else. Whenever you notice you’re feeling tense and uptight check and see how you’re breathing. Most people under stress either alternate holding their breath with short breaths, or take rapid shallow breaths. After you become aware of your own breathing, consciously relax your belly and slow down the breathing. This works best if you focus on slowing down the exhalation rather than your inhalation. With each exhalation you can say to yourself “slow down”. That is all there is to it- Simple but surprisingly effective!!!
Losing weight? But don't know how?
Hollywood Diet Recipe One:
1 cup low-fat vanilla soy milk1 cup orange juice
1 cup cranberry juice
1 cup yogurt (plain)
1/4 tsp. wheat-germ oil or 2 tbsp. wheat germ
1/4 tsp. flaxseed oil
Blend all ingredients together , then divide into two portions (each portion is a full day's diet drink). Sip throughout the day, along with plenty of water for 2 days.
Hollywood Diet Recipe Two:
Juice from 8 orangesJuice from 4 lemons
4 Tablespoons of honey
2 bananas, peeled and sliced
2 apples peeled and sliced
2 cups of grape juice
Blend all ingredients together , then divide into two portions (each portion is a full day's diet drink). Sip throughout the day, along with plenty of water for 2 days.
Stay on the Hollywood Diet for two days only, as this is a juice fast. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting any diet!
Happy always. Trust me for those who need to lose those extra pounds it works. I've used it and it works miracles. Not only now I am slim but that gave me more enrgy to do more things in the day!! Yipee!
Working tips for your face!
Are you confused about what you should do and what face care tips you should
listen to? There are a lot of products out there claiming to be the best, but
are they really good for your face?
What if I told you that you don’t really need to buy any of these products if you don’t want to? I am here to keep you on track. I know how difficult it can be to navigate through all those claims and promises.
That’s why I made this short list of completely natural face care tips that will make you look good, and save you tons of money!
They say beauty comes from within, right? Well it’s true, if you eat a healthy, nutrient rich diet, you’re going to have radiant, and beautiful skin.
The antioxidants in healthy foods will help protect your skin from sun damage, keep it tight, and wrinkle free.
Eat These!
Avoiding foods that make your skin break out helps a lot, this means avoiding sugar, and processed junk foods.
Throw these away!
You probably hear this everywhere, and it’s true. Staying hydrated is important for your skin. This is easy if you eat a lot of nutritious foods, like raw fruits and vegetables, which are high in water. Otherwise, just keep drinking pure, filtered water. I drink 8-12 glasses a day and that feels like enough.
Stress is one of the worst things for your skin and face. Stressing and worrying makes you look older than you are. So take a few deep breaths whenever you start feeling stressed. You could even take up meditation or yoga, they help, trust me! Take some time to relax, it is as easy as lighting some candles and putting on a face mask!
Exercise keeps the blood flowing, it gives your face a vibrant color and keeps you young. Any exercise will do, as long as you get your heart pumping and your juices flowing. Daily walks are easy to implement and cost nothing!
Getting enough sleep is crucial! During the night, your body regenerates. So if you want to keep looking good, get your eight hours of beauty sleep.
The chemicals in regular beauty and facial care products can irritate your skin, or make it more sensitive. You can avoid this by using natural products that do not contain harmful substances. There’s a great variety of natural organic face care products nowadays. You could even do as I and make your own products!
Let your face relax from time to time. That means no creams, no make up, no face mask, no soap, no face toner, no nothing! Just your skin and some fresh air, recovering and taking a break from everything.
If you cover these things, especially #1, you will be on your way to a more beautiful face, and who doesn’t want that? . Easier said than done, I know. But we can always aim to do our best and remember these important basic face care tips.
Take Care!
Anyway does anyone know the song make you believe by lucy hale? <3 p="p" song="song" the="the">3>
What if I told you that you don’t really need to buy any of these products if you don’t want to? I am here to keep you on track. I know how difficult it can be to navigate through all those claims and promises.
That’s why I made this short list of completely natural face care tips that will make you look good, and save you tons of money!
#1 – Feed Your Skin
They say beauty comes from within, right? Well it’s true, if you eat a healthy, nutrient rich diet, you’re going to have radiant, and beautiful skin.
The antioxidants in healthy foods will help protect your skin from sun damage, keep it tight, and wrinkle free.
Eat These!
- Berries
- Fruits
- Greens
- Nuts
- Raw fats
Avoiding foods that make your skin break out helps a lot, this means avoiding sugar, and processed junk foods.
Throw these away!
- Alcohol
- Anything containing sugar
- Deep fried food
- Processed foods
- Smoking
- Wheat
#2 – Water
You probably hear this everywhere, and it’s true. Staying hydrated is important for your skin. This is easy if you eat a lot of nutritious foods, like raw fruits and vegetables, which are high in water. Otherwise, just keep drinking pure, filtered water. I drink 8-12 glasses a day and that feels like enough.
#3 – Relaxation
Stress is one of the worst things for your skin and face. Stressing and worrying makes you look older than you are. So take a few deep breaths whenever you start feeling stressed. You could even take up meditation or yoga, they help, trust me! Take some time to relax, it is as easy as lighting some candles and putting on a face mask!
#4 – Physical Exercise
Exercise keeps the blood flowing, it gives your face a vibrant color and keeps you young. Any exercise will do, as long as you get your heart pumping and your juices flowing. Daily walks are easy to implement and cost nothing!
#5 – Beauty Sleep
Getting enough sleep is crucial! During the night, your body regenerates. So if you want to keep looking good, get your eight hours of beauty sleep.
#6 – Natural Care
The chemicals in regular beauty and facial care products can irritate your skin, or make it more sensitive. You can avoid this by using natural products that do not contain harmful substances. There’s a great variety of natural organic face care products nowadays. You could even do as I and make your own products!
#7 – Facial Siesta
Let your face relax from time to time. That means no creams, no make up, no face mask, no soap, no face toner, no nothing! Just your skin and some fresh air, recovering and taking a break from everything.
If you cover these things, especially #1, you will be on your way to a more beautiful face, and who doesn’t want that? . Easier said than done, I know. But we can always aim to do our best and remember these important basic face care tips.
Take Care!
Anyway does anyone know the song make you believe by lucy hale? <3 p="p" song="song" the="the">3>
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Your precious face!
Some of us are born with the best skin complexion and such flawless skin but most of us have to work at it. Bummer.
Skin Care - Cleansing
- DO wash your face twice a day to keep your skin clean and healthy - in the morning after you wake up and before you go to bed at night. Wash your face more often if you work up a sweat in P.E. or play a lot of sports throughout the day.
- DO use the right cleanser for your skin type. Use an oil-free cleanser for oily skin, a soothing cleanser for dry skin, and an acne-fighting cleanser with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide for problem skin.
- DON'T go to sleep with make-up on, no matter how tired you are! It'll clog up your pores and cause zits.
- DON'T overdo it. Washing your face 10 times a day to get rid of the greasies will only dry out your face.
Skin Care - Exfoliating
- DO exfoliate once a week to remove the buildup of dead skin cells.
- DON'T overdo it. Exfoliating too often will only irritate your skin.
Skin Care - Moisturizing
- DO moisturize your face every day to keep your skin hydrated and well-balanced.
- DO use the right moisturizer for your skin type. Use a light one for oily or problem skin, and a more intense one for drier skin.
- DO wear sunscreen with an SPF of 15 (at least!) every day.
- DON'T overdo it. Slathering your face with half a bottle of moisturizer cuz your skin is on the dry side isn't going to do the trick.
Skin Care - Treatments
Happy dayz keeps you smiling. Sad days keeps you crying. Through everything never forget about yourself and your health.
Hey Guys and Girls... I know it's been a long while since i blogged so i decided to do one on hair care. I love my hair and I don't want it to be dried out or damaged or anything. I take care of my hair. Later at the end i'm going to show you my hair care tips.
What I use for a hair mist and for skin care... Rosewater!!! I love rosewater due to its magical benefits:
Antioxidants - rosewater is full of vitamin A and C which aides in reviving tired skin by stimulating the cell regeneration process. The antioxidants in rosewater offer protection from free radicals and sun damage.
Restores pH balance - Rosewater is good for all skin types as it balances sebrum. Balancing sebrum is an important step in the reduction of pore size as it is the oil that clogs the pore thus streching out the pores.
Soothing and nourishing - a natural astringent with anti-inflammatory properties and hydrating properties. Rosewater has a calming effect on congested skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis or eczema.
Soothes insect bites and sunburn - a natural way to soothe and relieve insect bites and sunburn.
Anyway this is how you can make it:
Basic rosewater recipe:
Place 2 cups firmly packed rose petals in saucepan
Add 2 1/4 cups water (distilled or filtered)
Simmer until water is reduced by half
Let cool and store in a dark sterilized bottle and refrigerate.
Alternately you can also use rose hips
1/2 cup dried rose hips
Filtered or distilled water
Place rose hips in a clean sterilized jar.
Cover rose hips with hot filtered or distilled water and let set 2 hours. Strain through cheesecloth into clean bottle and refrigerate.
Application- apply with cotton ball or pad or use as a spritzer.
Okay now my hair secrets... I use olive oil with vitamins for my hair. It adds extra protection for my hair. Next, I was my hair after every 1 or 2 days. Remember, if you don't start taking care of your hair today, you're going to regret it. Oh and i don't use sunsilk as there are many chemicals in them actually it nearly damaged my hair. To people who love their hair please don't torture it. Im recommending you guys to use a shampoo which contains: Goats milk/ Soy bean milk or extract from flowers that makes your hair not only healthy but fragrant.
Good Luck with your hair...
What I use for a hair mist and for skin care... Rosewater!!! I love rosewater due to its magical benefits:
Antioxidants - rosewater is full of vitamin A and C which aides in reviving tired skin by stimulating the cell regeneration process. The antioxidants in rosewater offer protection from free radicals and sun damage.
Restores pH balance - Rosewater is good for all skin types as it balances sebrum. Balancing sebrum is an important step in the reduction of pore size as it is the oil that clogs the pore thus streching out the pores.
Soothing and nourishing - a natural astringent with anti-inflammatory properties and hydrating properties. Rosewater has a calming effect on congested skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis or eczema.
Soothes insect bites and sunburn - a natural way to soothe and relieve insect bites and sunburn.
Anyway this is how you can make it:
Basic rosewater recipe:
Place 2 cups firmly packed rose petals in saucepan
Add 2 1/4 cups water (distilled or filtered)
Simmer until water is reduced by half
Let cool and store in a dark sterilized bottle and refrigerate.
Alternately you can also use rose hips
1/2 cup dried rose hips
Filtered or distilled water
Place rose hips in a clean sterilized jar.
Cover rose hips with hot filtered or distilled water and let set 2 hours. Strain through cheesecloth into clean bottle and refrigerate.
Application- apply with cotton ball or pad or use as a spritzer.
Okay now my hair secrets... I use olive oil with vitamins for my hair. It adds extra protection for my hair. Next, I was my hair after every 1 or 2 days. Remember, if you don't start taking care of your hair today, you're going to regret it. Oh and i don't use sunsilk as there are many chemicals in them actually it nearly damaged my hair. To people who love their hair please don't torture it. Im recommending you guys to use a shampoo which contains: Goats milk/ Soy bean milk or extract from flowers that makes your hair not only healthy but fragrant.
Good Luck with your hair...
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Chocolate eclair
- 115 g butter
- 235 ml water
- 125 g all-purpose flour
- 2 g salt
- 4 eggs
- 1 (5 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix
- 590 ml cold milk
- 235 ml heavy cream
- 30 g confectioners' sugar
- 5 ml vanilla extract
- 56 g semisweet chocolate
- 30 g butter
- 120 g confectioners' sugar
- 5 ml vanilla extract
- 45 ml hot water
- Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Grease a cookie sheet.
- In a medium saucepan, combine 1/2 cup butter and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil, stirring until butter melts completely. Reduce heat to low, and add flour and salt. Stir vigorously until mixture leaves the sides of the pan and begins to form a stiff ball. Remove from heat. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well to incorporate completely after each addition. With a spoon or a pastry bag fitted with a No. 10, or larger, tip, spoon or pipe dough onto cookie sheet in 1 1/2 x 4 inch strips.
- Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven, then reduce heat to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) and bake 20 minutes more, until hollow sounding when lightly tapped on the bottom. Cool completely on a wire rack.
- For the filling, combine pudding mix and milk in medium bowl according to package directions. In a separate bowl, beat the cream with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Beat in 1/4 cup confectioners' sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Fold whipped cream into pudding. Cut tops off of cooled pastry shells with a sharp knife. Fill shells with pudding mixture and replace tops.
- For the icing, melt the chocolate and 2 tablespoons butter in a medium saucepan over low heat. Stir in 1 cup confectioners' sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Stir in hot water, one tablespoon at a time, until icing is smooth and has reached desired consistency. Remove from heat, cool slightly, and drizzle over filled eclairs. Refrigerate until serving.
How to frost cupcakes
There are three simple ways to frost cupcakes...
This is a video about it...
Hope you like it!!
This is a video about it...
Hope you like it!!
Tapak Kuda/ Horse Shoe Cake
10 eggs (5 yolk and 5 whites)
225 grams castor sugar
110 grams plain flour
10 grams milk powder
135ml melted butter
1 tbs ovalette
1 tbs vanilla essence
1 tbs chocolate emulco
1/2 tbs baking powder
Nutella ( for the spread)
Beat eggs ,sugar and ovallete over medium speed until thickened.Put melted butter and vanilla essence, Mix well.Then sift in the the flour slowly while mixing. Wait for the mixture to thicken.
Get ready 2 baking tins (10 x 10cm).Grease the trays, and put in the tracing paper.
Pour the mixture into a piping bag.Mix the leftover mixture with chocolate emulco and pour it into a piping bag. Squeeze out the mixture on one side of the tray. Squeeze out the white mixture evenly on the the other side of the tray. Heat the oven and bake the cake to 170 degrees. It will take 20 - 25 mins.
Once its ready cool the cake then cut it in half and spread it with nutella.Then fold the cake in half, wrap it with plastic wrap and put it in the freezer until the nutella spread hardens.
Then cut it and and serve.
To create a good composition
Composition: A plan (skeleton)!
• Answer all “WH” and “H” questions
• Check the time sequence of the story
• Pick the most appropriate introduction
• Include direct speeches
• Make use of five senses
• Use the correct tenses
• Check your punctuation
• Use similes, idioms, adjectives, proverbs
• Replace words that you use repeatedly in the story
A good composition......
• Ideas that is ample, relevant, and fully developed.
• Almost no errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.
• Wide And appropriate use of vocabulary.
• Good paragraphing and content.
• Include:
• What were the characters doing before the scene?
• What was the time of the day?
• Were there any direct speeches?
• Is a sunny or windy day?
• Who were the characters?
• Did you describe their appearances, actions and their facial expressions?
• What was the relationship between the characters?
• Where are the characters?
• Why were the characters there?
• What happened to them?
• Why did this incident happen?
• Are they affected?
• How does the story end?
• Answer all “WH” and “H” questions
• Check the time sequence of the story
• Pick the most appropriate introduction
• Include direct speeches
• Make use of five senses
• Use the correct tenses
• Check your punctuation
• Use similes, idioms, adjectives, proverbs
• Replace words that you use repeatedly in the story
A good composition......
• Ideas that is ample, relevant, and fully developed.
• Almost no errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.
• Wide And appropriate use of vocabulary.
• Good paragraphing and content.
• Include:
• What were the characters doing before the scene?
• What was the time of the day?
• Were there any direct speeches?
• Is a sunny or windy day?
• Who were the characters?
• Did you describe their appearances, actions and their facial expressions?
• What was the relationship between the characters?
• Where are the characters?
• Why were the characters there?
• What happened to them?
• Why did this incident happen?
• Are they affected?
• How does the story end?
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